Table Youth walks with students as they journey towards owning their own faith in Jesus before they enter into adulthood.
There are so many things that fight for their affections and shape their identity. God is inviting every one of them into a deep, real, and experiential relationship with Him through the cross of Jesus.
come hang out with us!
Wednesdays + 7:00PM-8:30PM
Our Three Ministry Objectives:
We strive to be a place where both existing students and new students can find a place to be known and to belong. Our mid-week youth gathering, events, and retreats are designed to connect our students to Jesus, to one-another, to adult leaders, and to the larger church body.
Our youth leaders are unified in the goal to build relationship with students with the purpose of leading them to know and follow Jesus. We are successful as a ministry when every student has an adult (other than a parent or guardian) speaking into their life about Jesus.
The most prominent influencer in a student’s life is their parent or guardian. We desire to encourage & equip parents towards gospel centered parenting. We will also provide opportunities for parents & guardians to encourage one another in community.
Big Picture
We also partnering with parents and provide community, resources, and conversations as they disciple their teens to walk with Jesus.
Raising teenagers who love Jesus is our goal and it can be a difficult task…so let’s lean on each other for both solidarity & encouragement! Join us for our “Parenting With Parents.” Schedule available through the Church Center App (email Jordan to join).
Stay connected by downloading the Church Center App! Here you can join our Youth Parents group, check out the events calendar, access parenting resources, and get communication updates from Jordan!
Watch this video to learn more!
Send an email to our Pastor of Youth & Community, Jordan Young!